Aug 5 2012

I’m on the clouds

Category: C# | Virtual Machines | ASP.NET | Cloud | Azure — Duke @ 17:47

Great! the blog is online again! finally it is persistent! I mean.. it will stay online 24/7,because it is on azure!

I’ve tried several solution but at the end I’ve found the most suitable for me.

A virtual machine instance with IIS installed on it. then an endpoint opened on the port 80, and finally  my lovely DynDNS that routes my domain name with an A record on the VIP address of the Virtual Machine.

I’m happy

it works

and the database is hosted on a separate instance of SqlServer!

some may ask why to not use the web instances (shared or reserved) available in azure, they should be ideal to host a simple blog

yes they are but….

shared instances doesn’t allow custom DNS (still wondering why)

reserved instances have a price that is too higher

and last but not least. a virtual machine allows you to do what you want on it… that is not exactly what one need in case of production website (because it force you to do all the maintenance, antivirusing, patching etc…) but it is ideal for a small experimental site.

Azure is amazing, especially the new HTML portal, I’ve done everything in 3 hours without no training at all, and I’ve tried several solution (also the shared sites, yes….)

great job MS, now lover the price of the reserved site instances or allow custom dns on the shared ones.
